İran'ın Nükleer Sürprizi_Geçen Kasım ayında, İran sonunda anlaşmayı bozdu ve yaptırımlarla iki yıllık bir süre içinde 53milyar dolarlık ülkenin hayati petrol gelirlerini keserek müzakere masasına geldi.
Earn $45,560 thanks to this SEC-mandated revelation
For years, a man by the name of Ellis White has been "secretly" building a multi-billion-dollar empire in America's booming oil game.
And until now, he's kept his wealth-building secret under wraps. I say "until now" because thanks to SEC regulations, Ellis White has been forced to make some of his information public. And it could mean an easy $45,560 payday for you. Click here and check out the FREE video on this matter.
Iran's Nuclear Surprise!
By Keith Kohl | Friday, July 25th, 2014
“Uranium enrichment is a generic problem, it’s not an Iranian problem. It’s been recognized since 1946 as a dangerous technology,” says Frank von Hippel, a physicist at Princeton and longtime nuclear policy adviser for the U.S.
David Albright, another prominent nuclear physicist, believes Iran has enough uranium to enrich and produce a nuclear weapon anywhere within a few months to a year.
And although Tehran has repeatedly claimed its nuclear ambitions are peaceful, it's not hard to imagine why there are still skeptics out there.
Last November, Iran finally broke down and came to the negotiating table after sanctions cut the country's vital oil revenue by $53 billion within a two-year period.
Of course, nothing has been resolved with the most recent turn of events: After failing to reach a solution by the July 20th deadline, and with no significant progress made, the countries involved — Iran, the U.S., Britain, China, France, Russia, and Germany — decided to extend the deadline another four months.
And yet the most recent hiccup in these talks offers individual investors like us a huge window of opportunity...